Qual è il significato del poster del film Blasto 6?
2012-03-13 06:37:07 UTC
view on stackexchange narkive permalink

Sulla cittadella, tra le missioni prioritarie, ho notato che c'è un poster del film nell'area degli appartamenti dei comuni che può essere attivato. Nessuno degli altri poster mi offre questa opzione, e questo sputa dialoghi.

Non ha attivato una voce di diario o qualsiasi altra cosa che posso dire, c'è qualche significato in tutto questo?

Tre risposte:
2012-03-13 06:50:59 UTC
view on stackexchange narkive permalink

It's an Easter Egg of sorts. Blasto the Jellyfish is a popular action hero in the Mass Effect universe. He's the first Hanar SPECTRE, and was featured in a commercial in Mass Effect 2, which makes extensive use of lines from Dirty Harry:

The origin of Blasto is a joke by one of the ME Writers on the Bioware forums:

Blasto is a reference to a joke made by writer Patrick Weekes on the official Mass Effect forums. When posting in a thread titled 'Your ideal ME2 squad', he included "Blasto the zany multi-pistol-wielding hanar gunslinger with a dark past, a heart of platinum, and the tendency to shout, "Enkindle THIS!" in combat." Blasto quickly became popular among fans, with Weekes noting "I am never going to live that joke down."

In Mass Effect 3, Blasto returns in Blasto 6: Partners in Crime, which, if you interact with the billboard repeatedly, you'll be able to hear about 10 minutes of dialog from. Dialog which is suspiciously similar to Lethal Weapon.

Other dialog around the Citadel will inform you that Blasto 6 has broken box office records (set by Blasto 5, natch), and that it is a very hotly anticipated release.

For my money though, I'd rather see Elcor Hamlet

Quasi ogni riga in Blasto 6 è un riferimento all'arma letale. Fantastico, perché adoro il franchise di Lethal Weapon.
Tim Stone
2012-03-13 06:49:07 UTC
view on stackexchange narkive permalink

It's purpose is to be there to be hilarious, and you can listen to the full recording in the following video:

But yes, it's just an easter egg relating back to a joke by writer Patrick Weekes about his idea for an ideal Mass Effect squad member - Blasto, the first Hanar Spectre.

Dylan Ip
2012-03-13 06:47:48 UTC
view on stackexchange narkive permalink

È puramente per "estetica" come un uovo di Pasqua o l'acquario.

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